The Massena Model Train, Toy & Collectible Expo, Part 1: The Layouts

This weekend, Me and some fellow model RR’s from Plattsburgh attended the Massena Model Train, Toy & Collectible Expo, otherwise known as the Massena train show. The Norwood modular layout, the Adirondack & Lake Champlain layout, and the Cape Vincent Modeler group.

Thomas and Friends setup
A&LC on display
Junction on the Norwood layout.
Staging yard on the Norwood layout.
Raquette River display.
Ski mountain on the A&LC.
Pastel train display
A HO scale switching layout with a programmed loco- hmm… maybe I should try that!

Logging on the Norwood layout.

It was a great show, and it was the first show of the “Modelers Season”.NCT



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